Wonder if you'll ever get where you want to go?
Here's a quick test. Ask yourself these 3 questions right now:
- Do you have a vision and know where you're going, and when and HOW you'll get there?
- Do your daily activities focus on that vision? i.e. do they propel you toward your end goal?
- Do you have people who are supporting you in reaching your vision? Like, really supporting you, by calling out when you're straying?
Maybe you're a yes to one question. Maybe even two. But for most people who are truly honest with themselves, the answer is no, no, and no.
And that's no good. Because that means you're missing the elements of momentum to get you where you wish you could go.
But we can fix that.
Join me for this training and walk away knowing how to:
- Use the five elements of momentum to interrogate your current reality. And escalate (or recapture) the most powerful force in business.
- Build a concrete vision (rather than a flimsy, ephemeral one) that excites and compels you to take actionable steps to move toward it.
- Plan your time and activities in a way that has you accomplishing more in 12 weeks than in the past 12 months.
- Figure out what's working, and what's not. So you can double down and what is, and toss aside (or recalibrate) what's not.
- One big idea (at least) on breaking thru your lid. Step outside the daily grind for a hot second. And raise your trajectory to a more exciting place.
This is a time when we GET to build our businesses the way we want, to achieve the life we want.
Come figure out what you want to build, and learn the steps (i.e. the elements of momentum) that'll help get you there.
Seats are limited. Register now!